is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger.
Lifeinsure.io是对人寿保险行业造成破坏的众筹,因为比特币对银行业造成了破坏。 LFI是区块链中的第一个,没有承保或支付保费,这就是区块链和智能合约的设计目标。许多发展中国家无法负担人寿保险,并且根据年龄,医疗状况爱好和许多其他因素而受到限制,被拒绝保险或者过于昂贵。 LFI得到了志同道合者的众筹支持,没有开销和费用,就像社区使用邻居的收集箱帮助失去家庭成员的家庭一样。那是在1700年的快速前进的300年里,我们通过技术的使用带回了旧时代,因为我们的社区变得更大了。 is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger.